Micro-Nutrient Testing
**Includes Lab Testing, Interpretation & Treatment Recommendations**
What advantage does the NutrEval FMV offer compared to other diagnostics?
The NutrEval FMV is one of the most comprehensive nutritional profiles available assessing a broad array of macronutrients and micronutrients, as well as markers that give insight into digestive function, toxic exposure, mitochondrial function, and oxidative stress.
Genova provides a user-friendly report with clinically actionable results including:
- Suggested digestive support and vitamin, mineral, and fatty acid recommendations based on an algorithmic calculation of functional need for cofactors in the body's metabolism
- Suggested amino acid recommendations based on patient's direct amino acid measurements
- Interpretation-At-A-Glance pages provide educational information on nutrient function, causes and complications of deficiencies, and dietary sources
A Functional Nutritional Assessment
There are various methods of assessing nutrient status, including intracellular and extracellular direct measurement, and measuring biochemical pathway markers that require specific nutrient cofactors for proper metabolism. The NutrEval uses a combination of these methods and synthesizes the information via an algorithm that determines personalized nutrient needs. The algorithm is based on functional markers shown in the literature to be associated with a need for a particular nutrient.
Functional evaluation of nutritional status assesses metabolic intermediates produced in enzymatic pathways of cellular energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, and amino acid metabolism. Specific metabolites outside of reference range may signal a metabolic inhibition or block. This abnormality may be due to a nutrient deficiency, an inherited enzyme deficit, toxic build-up, or drug effect. It is possible for an individual to have normal blood levels of a vitamin in order to maintain homeostasis, while exhibiting signs of insufficiency/deficiency for that vitamin. For this reason, direct testing of individual nutrients alone does not provide a complete picture.
Other methods of assessing nutrient status, such as intracellular lymphocyte testing, has limited literature support.
Conventional nutritional panels include tests such as complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, iron, ferritin and other select nutrients. The NutrEval is not meant to be a substitute for this important testing, but rather a complement by providing additional information.